Warm Beverages, Spices, & Veggie Broth For Your Body!
Each day, you will consume the same seasonal menu of 8 nutrient-rich beverages:
- 2 Veggie Broths
- 1 Savory Soup
- 2 Spiced Fruit Juices
- 1 Root Juice
- 2 Herbal Teas
Approximately 900 calories per day
Click here to view this season’s Warming menu.
The Warming Difference
“CAN CAN’s Warming Cleanse is aligned with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In the winter, it is recommended to stay warm, eat warm food, and eat seasonal vegetables to stay in harmony with the season.
According to Chinese Medicine, some people have “warm” constitutions and others have “cold” constitutions. People with “cold” constitutions frequently feel cold, are tired, may having sluggish or poor digestion, find it difficult to lose weight, experience menstrual cramping, and may be more easily susceptible to colds and flus. People with “cold” constitutions would do well to try the warming cleanse, particularly in the colder seasons.” Jennifer Moss, MS,L.Ac,FABORM & owner Moss Acupuncture
The current Warming Cleanse menu.
Timeline for consumption*
8:00am Lemon Ginger Juice
9:00am Veggie Broth
10:30am Vitamin “C” Juice
12:30pm Carrot Ginger Spring Root Soup
2:30pm Nettle Tea
4:30pm Red Beet Juice
6:30pm Veggie Broth
8:00pm Soothing Tea
*Skew the times according to when you wake-up. If you consume a beverage earlier or late, not to worry. These are guidelines that should be adjusted to fit your lifestyle. Remember to listen to your body and do what feels best for you!