Feel Good 40!


I’m turning 40!

My birthday is coming up on January 1st, (yes, New Year’s Day!) I’m feeling mixed about entering this next decade, but choosing not to focus on my age, but to focus on how I feel. With everything that has been going on, it’s understandable that many of us are not feeling our best. Coping with weight gain and stress is a challenge, but as I keep reminding myself, “We CAN do hard things!” I believe we can change how we feel and transform our bodies with commitment and consistency. 

I created the FEEL GOOD 40 Challenge to be hard, but not too hard. I want us all to succeed so here we go…

Over the course of 4 weeks, imagine drinking 50 of your favorite CAN CAN juices, warming soups, and delicious almond milks (approx 12 jars per week). Sounds good, right? Then, add in 40 jumping jacks a day in between your Zoom meetings or before you go to bed. Doable, yes? Great, because moving your body is part of this challenge. 1120 jumping jacks in 4 weeks 🙂 Don’t stop there, do even more if you can!

I want this to be a positive experience during the holiday season. I believe that if you commit to joining me, we can break bad habits and bring back the good habits.

Honestly, committing to and completing this Challenge is the best gift you can give yourself (and me!) Staying positive and healthy is more important than ever right now. I truly believe this 4 week program will make a difference!

Challenge Details:

Start the week of November 16th, 22nd or 29th. Must be completed before January 1st, 2021.

4 Weeks. 1 delivery per week.*

12 jars per week (Teresa’s weekly selection ~ 3 green juices, 3 seasonal fruit juices, 3 soups/broth, 3 almond milks/chia pudding)**

How it works: Consume any 3 jars per day, 4 days per week. Or, spread the jars out over 4 or 5 days depending on what works for you. Jars should serve as meals and snack replacements. The goal is to reduce your weekly caloric intake to help promote weight loss.

Exercise: 40 jumping jacks per day for 4 weeks. Or, 4 sets of 10 push-ups, 40 mins of walking, jogging, biking, dancing (any moderate exercise). The goal is to move your body at home or outside every day of the challenge.

This is my gift to you!
(SAVE $100)


*Select your first delivery date and an email will be sent to coordinate details including a sample menu of the juices, soups, almond milks to expect each week as well as the delivery schedule for the duration of the program.

**Stick to Teresa’s weekly selections featuring the “best of” CAN CAN flavors or after placing an order, we are happy to discuss customizing your weekly selections for you.

Note: we are always happy to accommodate allergies & intolerances.

Questions? Email me: teresa@cancancleanse.com 

I’m turning 40!

My birthday is coming up on January 1st, (yes, New Year’s Day!) I’m feeling mixed about entering this next decade, but choosing to not focus on my age, but to focus on how I feel. With everything that has been going on, it’s understandable that many of us are not feeling our best. Coping with weight gain and stress is a challenge, but as I keep reminding myself, “We CAN do hard things!” I believe we can change how we feel and transform our bodies with commitment and consistency. 

I created the FEEL GOOD 40 Challenge to be hard, but not too hard. I want us all to succeed so here we go…

Over the course of 4 weeks, imagine drinking 50 of your favorite CAN CAN juices, warming soups, and delicious almond milks (approx 12 jars per week). Sounds good, right? Then, imagine doing 40 jumping jacks a day between Zoom meetings or before bed. Doable, yes? Great, because this is part of the challenge. 1120 jumping jacks in 4 weeks 🙂 Do even more if you can!

I want this to be a positive experience during the holiday season. I believe that if you commit to joining me, we can break bad habits and bring on the good habits.

Honestly, committing to and completing this Challenge is the best gift you can give yourself (and me!) Staying positive and healthy is more important than ever right now. I truly believe this 4 week program will make a difference!

Challenge Details:

Start the week of November 29th or December 6th. Must be completed before January 1st, 2021.

4 Weeks. 1 delivery per week*

12 jars each week (Teresa’s weekly selection ~ 3 green juices, 3 seasonal fruit juices, 3 soups/broth, 3 almond milks/chia pudding)**

How it works: Consume any 3 jars per day, 4 days a week. Or, spread the jars out over 4 or 5 days depending on what works for you. Jars should serve as meals and snack replacements. The goal is to reduce your weekly caloric intake and help promote weight loss.

Exercise: 40 jumping jacks per day for 4 weeks. Or, 4 sets of 10 push-ups, 40 mins of walking, jogging, biking (any moderate exercise). The goal is to move your body at home or outside every day of the challenge.

This is my gift to you!
(SAVE $100)


*Select your first delivery date and an email will be sent to coordinate details including what a menu of the juices, soups, almond milks   to expect each week as well as the delivery schedule for the duration of the program.

**Stick to Teresa’s weekly selections that will feature the “best of” CAN CAN flavors or after your order is place, we are happy to discuss customizing your weekly selection. Note: we are always happy to accommodate allergies & intolerances. teresa@cancancleanse.com