12 Weeks To Better Body


Work with me for 12 weeks, yay! One on one time to talk, plan, coach and succeed at your health and better body goals. This program requires commitment and dedication as you will be held accountable to staying on you wellness path.

This very special program was designed as an opportunity for me to spend dedicated time to help YOU, my clients and inspirations for everything CAN CAN! Going beyond a seasonal cleanse, we will work together on your health goals. We will talk about your relationship with food, your intentions, hopes and dreams for a healthy body and lifestyle and how we create results. We prioritize healthy you every week and take steps to building your toolbox to living a lighter, brighter and happier you inside and out.

Program includes:

Customized 6 Days of CAN CAN Cleanse (spread out over the 12 week program to best support your goals)

30 minute weekly one-on-one phone check-ins to:

  • Review diet
  • Caloric intake
  • Weight loss goals
  • Discuss eating habits and portion control
  • Strategize snacks and meal plans

I am looking forward to 12 weeks together!