The Ra-Ra

Drink + Eat, HOORAY!

It’s time for the 3 days of liquids & salad only. The 6 beverages and 1 salad are numbered to guide consumption throughout your day.

#1 : 8:00am*

Lemon Ginger Juice (shake well, heat it up, or drink cold)

#2 : 9:00am

Green Juice (shake well, add a squeeze of fresh lemon – optional)

#3 : 10:30am

Nettle tea

Rosemary Nettle Tea (heat it up, add hot water to it, or drink cold)

#4 : 12:30pm

Celery Root Sage Soup (shake and heat up)

#5 : 2:30pm

Grape Juice (shake well)

#6 : 4:30pm

Green Juice (shake well, add a squeeze of fresh lemon – optional)

#7 : 7:00pm

Detox Salad (pour the dressing on, shake and chew well!)

Drink Water!

It’s recommend to drink plenty of water – 64 ounces or more throughout the day. Drinking water further aids in the detoxification process by helping the body to flush out the waste.