Fall Menu

CAN CAN Cleanse beverages are made with organic ingredients you can pronounce and your great grandmother would recognize as food. The ingredients are never processed, packaged or pretend. The vegetables and fruits are sourced locally from my favorite Sonoma and Central Valley farms, whenever possible.

Please note the beverages change seasonally as they vary according to what fruits and vegetables are in season.


Lemon Ginger Juice

ingredients: lemon, ginger, cinnamon, cayenne, filtered water


Green Juice

ingredients: cucumber, celery, parsley, kale, fennel, spinach, romaine, lemon, ginger, apple

Rosemary Nettle Tea

ingredients: dried rosemary, dried nettle, filtered water (herbal tea)

almond milk

Celery Root Sage Soup

ingredients: celery root, sage, onion, garlic, cayenne chili, thyme, olive oil, sea salt, filtered water

Grape Juice

ingredients: grape, pear, lemon.


Green JuiceĀ 

ingredients: cucumber, celery, parsley, kale, fennel, spinach, romaine, lemon, ginger, apple


Hazelnut Almond Milk

ingredients: whole almonds, hazelnuts, dates, nutmeg, filtered water


Rooibos Tea

ingredients: dried rooibos plant, filtered water (herbal tea)


Chia Fruit Juice

ingredients: chia seeds, apple, hibiscus, filtered water


Sunrise Nut Milk

ingredients:orange, carrot, ginger, almonds, hazelnuts, brazil nuts, cinnamon, dates, filtered water